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Become a member

We are delighted to welcome our new members.

International Fair Play Committee is open to everyone who accepts the values of Fair Play. 

Let's join CIFP and be our proud member!

We are also happy to welcome organizations and individuals.

The CIFP is open to International and Continental Organisations like sports federations, the media, the international sporting, educational, cultural and charitable associations. National Associations like national Olympic committees, the national sporting and cultural associations. Individuals who undertake to promote and further fair play in the world of sport. 

Organizational membership fee for 2023: 250 EUR, or 270 USD

Individual membership fee for 2023: 50 EUR, or 55 USD

We are kindly wait for you!

If you are interested in joining International Fair Play Committee, please contact: cifp@fairplayinternational.org

CIFP is waiting for the sponsors and partners with a special package.

Fair Play is a lifestyle!